ADA Restroom Trailers for School Campuses

ADA restroom trailers for schools
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ADA Restroom Trailers for School Campuses

It’s official: Fall is almost here. With fall comes back to school time, from pre-school to middle school to high school, and finally college, and we have provided our rental bathroom trailers for each of these education levels! Each of the primary education steps prepares students for college. This comes with the excitement of reinventing oneself and finally being independent. You get to eat whatever you want and finally start to gain a true sense of self. Not to mention all the fun events and memories to make along the way that will last a lifetime! For some of you, your college years are far behind you and now it’s time to take your kids to their first day of school. With all that's to come with the new school year, it's important to provide an inclusive restroom experience on campus and ADA restroom trailers can help.

Thankfully we live in a time where so many schools are getting large grants to do much-needed updates. From a new Library to a new Technology Center, to state-of-the-art Stadiums, campuses are getting much needed upgrades. Perhaps you're the coach of a sports team that has been working hard all summer to ensure the team ready for gameday. As if preparing a new team isn't hard enough, all the hard work being done on the field proposes lots of issues. 

Locker rooms, restroom access, and more can pose a problem when brick-and-mortar restrooms are out of date, being remodeled, or simply too far from the classrooms or playing fields. No need to stress - we’ve got you covered with ADA restroom trailers. We have trailers in many sizes and varieties. No matter what restrictions you may have, we definitely have a solution for you. Browse our recommendations below and visit our website for more available ADA restroom trailers.

ADA +2 Station Maritime Pro Series

small ADA restroom trailers

A fan favorite, this ADA restroom trailer is a standard among all industries we work with. Compact yet mighty, this unit can easily service up to 250 guests before needing maintenance. The ADA suite is well designed and compliant in all 50 states, ensuring that your visitors have the restroom access they need when they need it. 

ADA +2 Station Malibu Series

ADA restroom trailers for school

For those in the market for a small trailer that only needs to service a low volume of users a day, units like this Malibu Series ADA restroom trailer are a great choice. Equipped with two standard suite and one ADA suite, it provides all that you need to offer restroom options for every need. 

ADA +2 Station Combo, Perseverance Series

ADA restroom trailers with showers

A slight upgrade from our traditional two-station ADA restroom trailers, this one features private showers in each suite. The standard suites have individual shower stalls included along with the toilet and sink, and the ADA suite has an added compliant shower stall. This full restroom option is perfect for those parts of campus where students might need a full restroom option, like near basketball courts, at the pool, by practice fields, and more. 

ADA +6 Station Oahu Series

medium ada restroom trailers

This is one of our large ADA restroom trailers that is equipped for campuses that see a high volume of visitors every day. Servicing up to 750 users with ease, this elegantly crafted restroom option provides an easy and spacious solution for those not looking to break the bank on brick-and-mortar upgrades and renovations. Like all of our ADA restrooms, this trailer is compliant in all 50 states. 

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