Available Now: Restroom Trailers with 4 Season Packages

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Available Now: Restroom Trailers with 4 Season Packages

For many of us around the country, there is finally a chill in the air. The leaves are changing color and it’s time to begin transitioning our closets from summer to fall. This means that cold temperatures are around the corner, and despite all of the fun festivities to come, its important to be prepared for whatever Mother Nature may throw at us. This is why we have prioritized creating four season packages for our restroom trailers.

The four season package is an add-on for restroom trailers that ensures your unit is equipped to handle a wide range of temperatures. It ensures that your fleet can stay up and running through the hot summer weather with air conditioning and insulation, and can also handle winter storms that reach temps as low as -20 degrees. The upgrades this package has makes sure that your trailer is operating smoothly and also keeps guests comfortable with interior climate control. It’s a win-win upgrade - easier extreme weather operations and guaranteed guest comfort and satisfaction!

As we transition to colder weather, many restroom trailers owners much consider how to continue operating during the season. We’ve thought it all through and are here to help! We currently have restroom trailers in stock with four season packages included that are now available for purchase. Here are five recommendations for those interested in this highly recommended package upgrade. 

*Restroom trailers sell quickly! If you click a link and it leads to a 404 page, the unit has already been sold. Feel free to contact us for a similar option.


4 Season Restroom Trailers


1. 2 Station Cabo

 2 station cabo 3

A compact unit that is simply designed to please any crowd, this trailer is a great fit for any industry. The Cabo Series restroom trailers line is specifically designed to fit in with any atmosphere, and with the four season package, it can handle your small crowd with ease in any type of weather.

2. ADA +2 Station Cabo

 ADA 2 Cabo

For those interested in prioritizing accessibility during the extreme weather months, this is a great choice for you. Equipped with a CA ADA-compliant suite plus two additional standard suites, it ensures all who need access to the restroom have it. 

3. 6 Station Classic

 6 station classic 2

For a line of restroom trailers that is known for pleasing a wide variety of industries, we recommend the Classic Series. Favored by event professionals, office managers, and arena coordinators alike, it is a great option for those who see a diverse crowd. This 6 station is perfect for medium to large venues, servicing up to 550 guests with ease.

4. 9 Station Convertible

restroom trailers with 4 season packages

This unit is one of our most popular yet! It is truly unique, featuring a changeable floor plan that changes the meaning of adapting to your needs. Designed with thought and equipped with the 4 season package, it will be a hit when used at upscale events, worksites, conferences, and more. 

5. 10 Station Coastal

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If you anticipate large crowds and need a restroom option that doesn’t sacrifice elegant design for efficiency, the 10 Station Coastal is a great fit for you. This is one of our restroom trailers favored by managers with important VIPs or high-end guests. Maintain the ambiance of your venue in the restroom with this option, even when the temperature drops to -20 degrees!


Ready to Purchase?


If you think one of these restroom trailers is a great fit for you, especially for those needing 4 season packages, begin your order process today! Feel free to contact us if you have a few final questions, or request a quote if you’re ready to go.

We encourage you to browse our full inventory of restroom trailers. While the options listed above have the 4 season package included, all of our trailers come with the ability to add this feature. Let us customize the perfect restroom for you! 


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